Physical Therapy Treatments Consists of …

Physical Therapy treatments are considered vital to persons with cerebral palsy. The Clinic’s pediatric therapist employs different techniques. Some are as follows:

Ayres (Sensory Integration): based on the theory that a large part of movement disorder is caused by poor input from the sensory system, thus allowing primitive reflexes to persist and preventing the children from developing normal motor movements. Protocol involves a large amount of active and passive touching and muscle movement patterns. Experts believe that by stimulation and exercise programs, the neurologically immature brain can have its function maximized.

NDT (Neurodevelopment therapy): proposes that all children must go through stages of development. The therapeutic goal is to enable the child to move onto the next stage of development. This method focuses on correct positioning, encouraging correct movements, and discouraging incorrect or primitive reflexive ones. Children must learn to roll over before they sit, they have to kneel before they stand and they must crawl before they walk.

Root Method: based on the premise that specific stimuli applied to certain area of the body initiates specific movements. Stimulating the bottom of the foot often causes the child to go into an extensor posture. This is a normal reflex in an infant but in the older child this is incorrect. The therapist over stimulates the foot with heat, cold, or rubbing to try and desensitize it.